Tuesday, December 3, 2019

December 2-December 6

Hello Parents:

Reading calendars for November are due.

We will be attending a Women's Basketball game at SUU Tuesday, December, 3. We will have an early lunch, load busses at 11:30, and attend the game from 12-3:00.  We will be back before the end of the day. Please sign and return permission slips by Monday, December 2.

I am so excited about our last math test! I allowed students to look over problems they missed before submitting grades. Over half of our class got 100%!!! We will definitely be celebrating this!

Here's What's Happening in...

We will review chapters 1-5 before winter break. I will be sending home packets of work for those who are struggling. Students can retake tests from chapters 1-5 if they want to increase their scores.

We will begin our unit on House on Mango Street. This story is about a young girl who lives in the ghetto. We do not read the entire book, just vignettes.
We are also writing an argumentative essay. Students will be able to pick their topic, research their topic, then write a five paragraph essay arguing their point of view.

We are learning about the Louisiana Purchase, the Loise and Clark expedition, and other important historical events that expanded American territory. We will also learn about the branches of government and work on identifying states on the map.

Students will continue learning about electricity and magnetism from Mrs. Hunter. She has taught them about static electricity, current electricity, loads, conductors, and insulators. She is really enjoying your students!

December 13: Acadience (formerly DIBELS) testing
December 18: Choir and Orchestra Performance @12:45
December 19: 5th Grade Performance @ 2:30
December 20: Movie in the gym @ 1:30
December 23-January 6: No School

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